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Friday, September 24, 2010

Aliens In Our Mist

Did you ever wonder why aliens from outerapace always appear in a white mist with bright lights shining everywhere as they try to scramble through whatever underbrush our 4 billion year old planet can muster? According to Hollywood, even when no one is around, the landed spaceship has vast amounts of steam shrilling from every opening, creating the mist just in case the upcoming abduction isn't in the north coast of California's everday fog. After leaving their ship, where ever they go, to a house or to a barn, there is always steam, it just follows them. Apparently faster than light travel cause a lot of friction so the steam just oozes off of them, which obviously burns all their hair off. They are always bald. Maybe with four fingers they can do almost anything except create Rogaine.
My conclusion is that the ability to travel beyond light speeds somehow requires the use of steam engines. All this effort we have devoted to coming up with warp drives and particle accelerators and we have had the answer since the 1800’s. We didn’t know this on the Apollo missions. We didn’t see this steam on the moon landing because we only reached speeds of 25,000 miles an hour, a snail’s pace.

And the lights. It is always like a bad Broadway play (Like there is such a thing). A blind person could find their way around these ships. They can travel across the universe but can’t see 15 feet in front of their space ship without flood lights. They seem capable of traveling across galaxies with unbelievable methods of direction and engineering but, once they enter Earth's sky, every color of the rainbow has to radiate from their ship. And what makes that important is that the aliens are always portrayed as having eyes the size of bananas, ( 2 week old black bananas). They could gather enough light in those large orbs to see in a lightless cave yet; they always leave the lights on. Apparently one of the side effects of hyper space travel is boundless energy and the desire to leave the lights on. If their goal is to remain hidden, it is like robbing a bank and trying to go unnoticed by wrapping sets of Christmas lights around every part of your body then hiding in a nearby bush. One advancement I would like to learn from them is that that I have never heard of a witness catching an alien on a ladder changing a bulb. They have figured that one out.

If you have never heard of or experienced a night terror you are missing one of nature’s real treats. You partially wake but can’t move a muscle and the whole time you are convinced there is something in the room that wants to hurt you. There is nothing worse. I have had it happen three times in my life. They are as old as time and besides the invention of distilled spirits; it is where the idea of Alien abductions originated. I let people off the hook if they are not familiar with night terrors. But after that explanation is exhausted and the person goes on to tell about populating other planets, there is only one explanation. The person’s IQ has not boiled over a 100. The proof of this is staggering. Let’s take a look at who has never been abducted. No Nobel Prize winning scientists, No Professional athletes, No Heads of States, No Fashion models ( okay not a good example), No Pulitzer Prize winning authors and to my knowledge, no one with breast implants. Which might be proof alone since you would think the little green men would want to figure out why women do this. If I were going to study humans, this would be my study group, especially if I was going to pull out instruments and probes.

What about the archeological evidence, like carved landscapes of animals or apparent landing strips only identifiable from the air? If I were on a deserted island, I am sure that all of my work would be aimed at attracting the attention of something in the air. It is likely that my carved message of "Dear God, save me… I can’t eat another coconut!" would be so large that a satellite could see it. The pyramids are not a mystery to me. They are made out of square blocks put one on top of another.
“How did they get there?" They carried them.
"How?" One at a time, I don't care.
I mean it is amazing and cool but much like my grandmother’s cooking. The very fact that she has ruined the Turkey dinner every Thanksgiving for 25 years is unexplainable, but not unworldly.

What about eye witness testimony? Many people will talk about eye witness testimony from credible witnesses. The problem is, there is no such thing. Study after study has shown that no one is a credible eye witness. There has been research that had people watching tapes of other people interacting and then the scientist introduces a gorilla suited man that walks across the screen for 9 seconds and during the post interview, no one has seen it or has any memory of the gorilla. For years I would tell my parents that I had gotten home before midnight and they always said,
“Well, I didn't see you!” "
Can't rely on eye witnesses!" , I would remind them.
Remember the thief with the Christmas lights? Maybe not such a bad disguise if there are hordes of people around.

What about the photographs? Well the fact that almost all of them turn out to be either hoaxes or explainable just means that the remaining small percentages are probably in the same category. My family and I look at pictures that are 30 years old and we can't figure who most of the people are. Always some neighbor kid or some relative we forgot about. Pictures are rarely what they appear to be. I was once shown a picture of me with small farm animals. I was able to show it was only a matter of lighting and reflections. My one friend argues that there are no pictures of him having sex but that does not mean he has not had boat loads. In his case I think it does. There is a website that professionals use to turn in atmospheric photographs and every month, they have a picture of something that has never been captured before, but always explainable. They are bizarre and amazing but they are all from this bizarre and amazing planet. You would think that after a 100 year of photographs, there would be at least one really good one of a spaceship. Politicians are surely hiding their sexual behavior just as much as the aliens are hiding their spaceships but we seem to get weekly graphic updates of the politicians. There is never a blurry dot in a photograph that someone points to and says “That’s Bill Clinton”

There is an old saying. There is definitely life elsewhere in the universe. The proof of this is that it has chosen not to come here. Hold on everyone, we are going to be alone for a long long time.

david flannery