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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Growing old with Girlfriend

One of the great advantages of getting older is the ability to pretend you are losing your hearing. I have finally entered that secret society where the men of my family that started saying...“ehhh?”, long before their retirement. I now understand why my father and grandfather, after mumbling it,  were always smiling.
“Bernie, did you forget about playing bridge with the Herberts?”. I too just smile.
Of course, sharing the same interests with my girlfriend, as we get older,  is something I cherish.  We have always had a mutual love for travel, animals and the environment. Lately, however, we have added reading glasses, bran and naps to our common interests. We still talk about exercise but it is no longer scuba diving or kayaking. Now I hear how far away I parked from the Macy’s front door and how she doesn’t have the right shoes for this type of exertion... (never understood why anything on your foot should not be for walking). We still take our daily constituitons but instead of a thinner waste, we do it for digestion.
I think it is one of life’s ironies that when it becomes important to read the ingredient labels on boxes, the print is too small. And when you can afford the many nice restaurants, the light is often too faint to make out the menu. I often ask the waiter what he recommends, not because I care for his opinion but rather as a way to find out what is on the menu. Italian restaurants are the worst. They seem to feel if they italicize a few words or drop a little Italian in each sentence the food is going to taste more like your grandmothers.

My daughter has taught me one very important lesson. Never eat at a restaurant that has pictures of the food. Never once did you come home for dinner and upon asking, were you handed photos. Don’t change what works. Of course going to eat at 4-5 pm has its advantages. You usually get to see the waitress tie on a clean apron as her shift is just beginning and the menus have not become scratch and sniff cards from a bad John Water's film. There are only lines when the local Grizzler has their ‘Seniors eat for Half Price Thursdays’. They are a pretty shrewd company, however.  First, they offer a whole host of menu items that fall into the ‘Oh…I can’t eat that’ category… or more often you will hear my girlfriend say much louder than normal,  “Bernie, don’t eat that …you know what happens when you eat that!”
                                                                                                                                                          Actually I do, it will irritate the hell out of her. There is a theory that matches were intended to make starting fires easier. Frankly, it was to keep one bathroom marriages intact.

Any early buffet is a study in silver, blue, yellow and the no hairs. The first and last need not mention. The middle two, however, must come from some chemical reaction used somewhere in the preening process. The blue I kind of get, blue is really very close to the color white. Yellow just seems avoidable. My grandmother said it was from men using hair tonic. I asked her why it never turned my grandfather’s thick mane yellow. “Because your grandfather never put it on his hair, he drank his”.
Secrets from the grave; the makers of my family were starting to reveal their secrets. I still remember when I found my first gray hair. I was 50. Thankfully, I found it on my girlfriend's head.

My girl's sense of humor has deepened too. She thinks she knows what my jokes are going to be and I make an effort to be original. “You’re not funny”, is her favorite comment and every time she does,I respond with the multi cultural response,  “Oh yeah? Well pull my finger!”
An act of  self-preservation she has never acted upon. I plan on saying that to her when I am on my death bed. She will say no at first but she will then acquiesce since it will be my final wish. Understand I have planned this for 20 years. I just want to be able to use the punch line after she pulls my finger...
“Man…it smells like death in here”.  Get it...? I am on my death bed? I know...I can hear my girlfriend now,“You're not funny”.

I was asked if we were going to be buried together in matching plots. I say why would I want to spend all eternity sleeping next to her when we have separate bedrooms now?  Hard to believe I would be asked this when I have one foot nearing the grave. I am getting too old for two steps forward and one step backward. She did promise, though,  that if I die first she was going to have my gravestone engraved with...
"Now, that was funny"  

Saturday, August 27, 2011

BEING put out to PASTOR ...

I don't have any complaints with church. Go if you want, stay home if you want. I have read that more people are choosing to stay home than ever before so I wondered what would get them to come back. I have always felt that the church signs have long gone to waste. I don't care about a scripture passage or what time the service is that  I will be sleeping through. Here are a few of my thoughts for the marquee and how to drive traffic.

Tithe Free Sunday !!!!

Want to do something your Parents never did ? Come to Church regularly !!!

Free Valet Parking in Heaven, get your ticket validated here !!!

Indulgences ! Buy one get one FREE !!! 

1969 French Communal Wine !!! 

I actually went into a church that had one of these sayings. I was also intrigued by the Superman cape that was dangling from the Church Spire. Apparently not even those with super powers could avoid getting caught in this Church. Before I entered the sanctuary, however,  I bent down to get a drink at the fountain and the water stormed across my face and  head. An electric message clicked on ...
" You have just been baptized at the HOLY CHURCH OF THE REDEEMED!  Please follow the blinking arrows to get your new Christian packet !".
I shook my head like a dog and then took a seat in the back pew.  All the parishioners turned around and after seeing my drenched Hawaiian shirt they nodded their approval. Some even mouthed ' Welcome'.

The music started and there were choir women in their long frocks working the pipe organs like strippers. One old woman really had the moves ! Apparently her husband?  thought so too as he was dancing in the front row with his arms up and palms facing Heaven !  The Pastor came out and talked about sin, being saved, making mistakes and still being loved. What I liked is every time he talked about making a mistake, he blew on A slide whistle and every time he talked about being loved, he hit a gong. I thought that was a nice touch and I couldn't wait to talk to him after the service.

"Hi, I'm Bernie",  I put out my hand. He grabbed it and gave me a hug.
"You look a lot like a David Flannery I once knew... but Welcome Bernie, We love when Jews convert !"  He smiled looking at my wet shirt.
"I'm not Jewish" , I said.
"Not anymore!" He kept smiling. "So, what brings ya here today, got some eternal questions?"
"No, not really. Well... I  do wonder why when the cardinals go to pick the pope the vote isn't unanimous. Aren't they suppose to be doing God's will?  And I'm stumped  why some people have two or three creases on the inside of their elbow, often inches apart,  when the elbow only bends one way."  I smiled back.
"Oh my gosh, the Lord brought me a deep thinker today! Maybe you should come to our Christian Barbecue and we could go over some things"
"That sounds fairly cannibalistic",  I smiled even deeper.
"Holy Jesus, smart.... AND a sense of humor, what have I done to deserve this?"  His teeth smiled out of his face.
"Come on Bernie, don't you want to experience life to the fullest, to  love others, to  make a difference, to be happy and to maybe even have kids"?
"Well Pastor, I had my tube tied with barbed wire so if I even think about kids it hurts"
"It might be time to loosen that grip my new friend, ever read the Bible?"
"I think of reading  the Bible like I think about walking on hot coals, I let others do it."
" Hmmm, so you have an opinion on a book you have never read?"
"Not really" I added, " I just read the end and it didn't seem like a very happy ending for most so I figured why go any further?"
" Listen, you may have missed the point, can you come back next week? We are firing up Hebrews! I mean Hebrew Franks... ha ha ha, not Hebrew Bernies !"
" I told you I'm not Jewish"
"I know, I can see your shirt !"
"Wait " I said, " I am not sure how happy I am with this church"
"Don't worry, think how we must feel having you as a member!" He bent over laughing.
He hugged me, curtsied with his robe and then starting singing down the hallway when he turned back and yelled,
"Come back next week Bernie, we'll give you something you can sink your teeth into and you'll want to come back for seconds and thirds! Remember, staying in bed shouting, Oh GOD ! Does not constitute going to church!"
He smiled, gave me the thumbs up and kept walking.

All words copyrighted by David Flannery. All images borrowed without permission  : (

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dating in the Drive Thru...

It was bad enough that I was going on a date in my 40's, let alone my fourth blind date in the last year. No one plans such things. Instead of feeling 15 because of  butterflies in my stomach, I felt 15 because she picked me up in her mini van. It was like 8th grade all over again, I expected her mother to appear in the backseat but, that would occur later.

It was the Sunday after Christmas and only the Grocery store and McDonald's had their lights on. Since I wanted to show her the town, I made sure to take her to both places.  We pulled into the fast-food restaurant and she asked if I wanted to go in, or use the drive thru. I said we should go inside to get the full experience. ( I was hoping Ronald's Playroom was closed, nothing worse than an inflexible 40 year old being asked to show off ). I ordered and handed the pimply teenager 10 dollars for the meals and he asked me if my date qualified for the McDiscount for Senior citizens. I shook my head and reached in my pocket to handed him my man card.  Apparently as I approached my 50's, I wouldn't need it anymore. I took my tray and grabbed the brochure for the discounted McCoffin.

We sat down with our plastic meals and she asked if she could call her mother.
I said, " Why, it's still light out ?"
She smiled and said, " She just wants to know if I made it all right"
I asked, " Does she know you are on blind date?"
"No, are you crazy?" ( I never answer that question).
Being the gentleman, I told her to go ahead but, first I asked her if she wanted some fries with her phone call. She politely refused. I realized I might be making too big of a deal of McDonald's, I would hate to get naked later and have her ask me if I would super-size it.

As she nibbled and as I gorged, she kept asking all the necessary questions. Why did I live where I live, What do I do for a living, Why did I come to this state, Why did my home look like a crack house? I can answer all pre-coital questions with one answer, " I don't know" (and that is not being a smart ass). I then mumbled something about how most things I do seem like a good idea at the time. I didn't ask her much but, questions. but when I did it was well thought out.

"How many of your friends did you give my home address to?"
"All of them" She smiled.

Later, as the coffee was almost finished she starting telling me about her ex-husband and why her marriage didn't work.
"You know, that is taboo on the first date", I mentioned.
"What is?" She asked.
"Talking about your ex. I never talk about my ex's.  I prefer to show pictures, here" , I reached for my wallet.
"Oh my God...You are kidding , right ? " Her mouth dropped to the Hamburgler place mat.
" Yes, I am kidding", shaking my head in disbelief, " the pictures are nudes and they never leave the house!"

McDonald's was changing from Breakfast to their Lunchtime fare and this excitement was making me think about dinner.  I asked her if she could drive me to the Grocery Store so I could buy a frozen entree. I of course asked if she too would like a frozen dinner. She said she would, so we placed our trays away and we headed to her child carrier. She clicked the beeper and the van unlocked as the side panel door slid open. I half expected 2 guys wearing masks to jump out and grab me.
"That's great for dry cleaning",  she pointed out. I looked back at the kid who now owned my Man card . He was wiping our table and waving to me.
"Travel well my young friend, travel well" , I thought.

On to the second tier of the date...I suppose that standing in front of the freezer section was a good time to get to know about each other. It became obvious that neither one of us liked vegetables. We were only staring at frozen meat. Would she pick a Lean cuisine ( God, I hoped not) or a Hungry man ( God, I hoped not ). I refused to pull out my coupons or to guide her to the items that were discounted if I used my Clown Town Buyers Card. She seemed aware of my peril since she handed me a box and said " Here, this one is on sale" I let slip, " Excellent !". We grabbed a large beverage and we moved to the cashier. I was hoping my gold plated debit card was impressing her. I decided not to use my food stamp card, even though it was prettier. The sale went through which was like an omen for a second date. What could go wrong now?

Now, she had already seen my house which begs the question as to why she was willing to return. It occurred to me why she liked her automatic side door, she was going to do a drive by and I was going to be tossed onto the never mowed front lawn. She had seen my chipped tooth and apparently was impressed how it made me whistle whether I wanted it to or not.

I live in a 3 bedroom house in one of the nicer neighborhoods in this sleepy town but, the previous owner was doing time. The windows are all painted ( and I mean the glass, not the wood frames ) and every room looks like a lion was ill fed and not allowed to leave. There is wall paper missing and gouge marks that would frighten a bear. What ever remodeling was attempted was done by a dyslexic Bob Vila. I was tempted to look under the new hard wood floors to see if there was carpet.The first floor was a vision into WW2 London with all the bombing and heat peeled wall paper.
Ever aware about creating mood, I started a fire by putting in a starter log and newspaper.  I did not have any wood.  She said she would do anything for a roaring fire. I started breaking up some of the furniture. I burnt my finger lighting trying to add awkward pieces of my futon. I shrieked smoothly and just said fires make me sing like Prince. The blaze became impressive but the lacquer treated wood did not smell so good.

Did she end up seeing the 2nd floor?  A gentleman never discusses these things... but the date did end well and I know this since she called me the next day and not the police.
Need dating help? Well, you are screwed but here are some links ...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Perfect Crime and Other Blunders

Every Since I was a young child, I wanted to pull off the perfect crime. I had high ideals. I loved the idea of stealing millions and living in Tahiti for the rest of my life. I realize I have just spoiled those plans since I have just given written proof of intent and where I can be found. Tahiti does not have an extradition treaty with the United States, howeverm so if I got there, with prior intent or not, I could still live in hut with my feet dangling in the water. Maybe that is where the shark will finally get me.

What threatened my plans was I kept growing. Smaller than 6 foot would have been okay. But God had other plans since I pushed 6 inches past 6 ft. Now, the only place I blend in is at basketball camp. I could not slip out the back of a bank or casino and casually walk down the street since my head would be a good 6-10 inches above the other bobbing heads. Inspector Gadget would not need any toys to find me. I have yet to see a single movie where a really tall guy gets away with anything. We usually play the role of the guy in jail that the hero knocks out to win everyone's respect.

One would think this would naturally have lead me to be the organizer and the man that is never seen in crime dramas but I was not smart enough. I had not met any real criminals or anyone with my criminal intent, my fault for not having spent enough time in jail. Tall or not, I was going to have to learn the way every one else does, trial and error and mostly by myself.

I started stealing whatever I could from my Mom’s meager purse and from my neighbors. No honor among theives here. A few quarters were never missed in a pool of change. It cost 50 cents for lunch so when I took a few quarters, I was rolling in it. I would steal my sister’s rings in 6th grade and give them to my girlfriend. This worked wonders. My sister probably thought she lost them and my girlfriend loved the gifts. The plan unraveled when I realized my sister was staring a hole in the back of my head on the bus. We all rode the bus together and my girlfriend was showing off her new ring. It became pretty obvious that although I had the initial social dysfunction to steal, I was not too smart. I knew I needed to learn more before I went on.

My plan was to go to a library and at gun point, demand all the books on money. The fact that it may take the librarian a good a hour to round them all up could lead to my capture but I have scoped out many libraries and the security is really lax. My problem would be to remember not to give my library card or to show back up when the books were due. I thought maybe I should start with a small county library and work my way up.

I ended up skiping the Library, however, as I deemed it too risky. I went right to shop lifting. I had an 8th grade friend that hatched a scheme and I was invited in. Like any good gangster film, I was the hired help. I was not the brains of the operation which was probably a smart decision but the shear boldness of the plan definitely pointed to lack of intellect. While I diverted the girl at the cash register, my friend crawled behind her and grabbed a carton of cigarettes. In the early 70’s they were kept right at the counter. We did not take into consideration that there would be other people in line. I could see my friend’s ass wiggle as he bent to to fearlessly grab our stash. The store manager or bag guy could have caught us at any time. Some how, we pulled it off but, thankfully it was our first and last heist together. He later grew up to become the mayor.

I went solo on the shoplifting and my escape plan was always to run. I never had to and it built a laziness and an I can get away with anything mentality.
I shimmied up the crime pole by moving onto cars.

The first time I tried it, it was as easy as waking up on a spring morning. I am not sure how many times I would go for joy rides but at one point I invited a friend and we went into town and all over the country side. I ran around so much that I had to get gas. The attendant knew I was 13 and called the police. The police were waiting for me with a 2 car trap when I neared home so I tried to avoid them. The quickly saw it was me and had me pull over. I handed them my brother’s license that claimed I was 16. Back then, there were no pictures just a vague description. The police officer looked at the license and then at me.

“Aren’t you Bernie"?
“Hardly"! I snickered.
“That is my younger brother, I‘m Wayne” I smiled.
“That was an amazing shot you made to win the basketball game on Tuesday” the officer added.
“Thanks” I said.
As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized that my brother, Wayne, was a basketball legend in this small town and I was busted. The cop knew all along that my hairless chin was not that of my brother’s. What really took it down the wrong road was when he leaned down and held the flashlight on my friend. It was his nephew.

My only punishment was that I had to spend the night at my friend’s house and that should have been enough since I thought his father was going to kill me. I slept in the living room, still alive, thinking of my next heist.

I realized it was time to move on to banks. I didn’t see this as any big deal. The tellers are trained to just give you the money while they press the button. I just needed 30 seconds for one drawer to be emptied and another minute if I wanted to add any others. I did this without fail and walked calmly out of the bank with a sack full of money. I would have gotten away with it had I not stopped to write my name in some wet cement.

For more advice on how to commit the perfect crime...

"david flannery"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Grim Reaper and Other Play Dates

I was wondering why we call the Grim Reaper grim. Isn’t the passing into the next life suppose to be wondrous and happy? The idea of a grim, boney, faceless, hooded soul with a sickle does hold some appeal to me, however. He wouldn’t have to say,
“ Come with me, you know what you have done”,
I would go without being asked, dragged or sickled . I never believed I deserved Heaven, in fact I have felt just the opposite.

If there were real justice, we would all be in Hell, at least if only for a good spanking. That is me judging so you can see just one of the reasons why I would be going. I just think with the whole energy crisis that Hell and it’s eternal flames must be rather expensive to run and even Satan must dread the monthly heating bill. Same goes for Heaven, the constant temperature of perfection must be a bill that has God even wondering why he opened the gates or least wondering why he didn’t insulate. It is not that I think most people are bad I just never believed in eternal reward or punishment. Forty years with me has, at times, felt like an eternity….I am not sure I want to experience me forever

Grim ( as his friends? call him) has many souls to pick up if my math is correct. Which could only mean that there were more than one of them. Maybe one is really large and not all bones like in the pictures. I am not sure how I would feel if I answered the door, however,  and saw that death had been eating better than me. It could be that the Grim that comes for you is the opposite of you. I may have a munchkin Grim that hangs onto my belt as he takes me away.
“Not so fun being tall today, is it” ? steams from his hood as we get into a mini couper. I think if Hell where Hell, however, he would show up and just start the tease.
“I’m not hear for you today, I was just checking the address”. This way you could stew in what you had done and prepare yourself for the constant torment that lay ahead. I am sure that when Grim came for Hitler, the other Grims had to pull overtime. They all came. No since letting such a prize get away with a last minute profession of Christ and what better story to tell the little Grims than the day you harvested more than hops from Germany.

Like with all dead end jobs, I would think Grim would need time off like the rest of us. We all spend our down time a little different and this would be no exception. Since we always sit around and worry about death, does he sit around worrying about life? I would imagine in his spare time, he wouldn’t interact well with others. I don’t imagine that any of his neighbors would borrow tools and not return them. Can you imagine holding onto a drill and having death come knocking on your door? I could see Grim stopping by if I committed a murder but for borrowing a screwdriver? Play dates for his children would be a problem. I mean few people would want to refuse but when Grim says he will back at 6pm, you would not be inclined to answer the door. And what if his child gets unruly while he is gone? How do you discipline the Grim Reaper’s child? I can’t imagine ‘time out’ being very effective to an eternal spirit.

I would imagine that the Grim house is pretty quite. He does not receive any mail, visitors and is on the do not call list. I have never seen his name listed in either the white or yellow pages. I think telemarketers have a tough job. The day your number rotation has you call the house of death may not be the sale you want.
“Yes” Grim says, “I will take everything you have. When can you come over and deliver everything?”

Since virtually everybody who has a job, answers to someone, I wonder who Grim answers to. Does he get monthly or yearly reviews? Is he called out on the carpet when he makes a mistake? And what would his punishment be? How do you reprimand death? It would be easy to think that Satan was his boss but I don’t think the after life, other than having your flesh ripped off every day, is much different than the world of the living. There must be miles of middle managers always coming up with new ideas. The paper work would be endless, especially since they could care less if they kill trees. A performance review may look like this.
“ Sit down Grim, take a load off. Have you lost weight? ”
“ I always liked your wit sir, why have you called me into your office?”
“ The Madison pick-up. According to the logs, you were there over an hour”
“She seemed too happy and she had just made dinner. It was like she was expecting me”
“The wise are always expecting you”
“Anyway, we talked and she didn’t seem like such a bad soul. I didn’t really want to take her”
“It is not up to us Grim. We don’t make the rules. I am the first to say I hate being a company man but I have a family to think of…. So leave your thoughts at home and give me some of those numbers I am use to….”
“Yes sir ‘ Grim replies.

I always imagined that it would end something like this for me. I would hear the doorbell ring and I would jump up with excitement for my hot steaming pizza. I fling the door open and there is Grim, he just shrugs.
I hear my wife yell from the kitchen,
“See, I told you that pizza would kill you!”
She would, as always, get the last word in.
My only hope and fantasy is that Grim is so busy that he has had to speed up his work by wearing roller blades. I don’t think this is unreasonable since there are more people to pick up and even death has to be time conscious. I think there should be a little levity if I am going to Hell for eternal punishment. I would have to wear roller blades too, just to keep up with him and since I have never been able to stop properly, or at all on those things, I am just hoping I ride right past Hell to the other side.

To read the history of the Grim Reaper, click the links below:

david flannery

Friday, September 24, 2010

Aliens In Our Mist

Did you ever wonder why aliens from outerapace always appear in a white mist with bright lights shining everywhere as they try to scramble through whatever underbrush our 4 billion year old planet can muster? According to Hollywood, even when no one is around, the landed spaceship has vast amounts of steam shrilling from every opening, creating the mist just in case the upcoming abduction isn't in the north coast of California's everday fog. After leaving their ship, where ever they go, to a house or to a barn, there is always steam, it just follows them. Apparently faster than light travel cause a lot of friction so the steam just oozes off of them, which obviously burns all their hair off. They are always bald. Maybe with four fingers they can do almost anything except create Rogaine.
My conclusion is that the ability to travel beyond light speeds somehow requires the use of steam engines. All this effort we have devoted to coming up with warp drives and particle accelerators and we have had the answer since the 1800’s. We didn’t know this on the Apollo missions. We didn’t see this steam on the moon landing because we only reached speeds of 25,000 miles an hour, a snail’s pace.

And the lights. It is always like a bad Broadway play (Like there is such a thing). A blind person could find their way around these ships. They can travel across the universe but can’t see 15 feet in front of their space ship without flood lights. They seem capable of traveling across galaxies with unbelievable methods of direction and engineering but, once they enter Earth's sky, every color of the rainbow has to radiate from their ship. And what makes that important is that the aliens are always portrayed as having eyes the size of bananas, ( 2 week old black bananas). They could gather enough light in those large orbs to see in a lightless cave yet; they always leave the lights on. Apparently one of the side effects of hyper space travel is boundless energy and the desire to leave the lights on. If their goal is to remain hidden, it is like robbing a bank and trying to go unnoticed by wrapping sets of Christmas lights around every part of your body then hiding in a nearby bush. One advancement I would like to learn from them is that that I have never heard of a witness catching an alien on a ladder changing a bulb. They have figured that one out.

If you have never heard of or experienced a night terror you are missing one of nature’s real treats. You partially wake but can’t move a muscle and the whole time you are convinced there is something in the room that wants to hurt you. There is nothing worse. I have had it happen three times in my life. They are as old as time and besides the invention of distilled spirits; it is where the idea of Alien abductions originated. I let people off the hook if they are not familiar with night terrors. But after that explanation is exhausted and the person goes on to tell about populating other planets, there is only one explanation. The person’s IQ has not boiled over a 100. The proof of this is staggering. Let’s take a look at who has never been abducted. No Nobel Prize winning scientists, No Professional athletes, No Heads of States, No Fashion models ( okay not a good example), No Pulitzer Prize winning authors and to my knowledge, no one with breast implants. Which might be proof alone since you would think the little green men would want to figure out why women do this. If I were going to study humans, this would be my study group, especially if I was going to pull out instruments and probes.

What about the archeological evidence, like carved landscapes of animals or apparent landing strips only identifiable from the air? If I were on a deserted island, I am sure that all of my work would be aimed at attracting the attention of something in the air. It is likely that my carved message of "Dear God, save me… I can’t eat another coconut!" would be so large that a satellite could see it. The pyramids are not a mystery to me. They are made out of square blocks put one on top of another.
“How did they get there?" They carried them.
"How?" One at a time, I don't care.
I mean it is amazing and cool but much like my grandmother’s cooking. The very fact that she has ruined the Turkey dinner every Thanksgiving for 25 years is unexplainable, but not unworldly.

What about eye witness testimony? Many people will talk about eye witness testimony from credible witnesses. The problem is, there is no such thing. Study after study has shown that no one is a credible eye witness. There has been research that had people watching tapes of other people interacting and then the scientist introduces a gorilla suited man that walks across the screen for 9 seconds and during the post interview, no one has seen it or has any memory of the gorilla. For years I would tell my parents that I had gotten home before midnight and they always said,
“Well, I didn't see you!” "
Can't rely on eye witnesses!" , I would remind them.
Remember the thief with the Christmas lights? Maybe not such a bad disguise if there are hordes of people around.

What about the photographs? Well the fact that almost all of them turn out to be either hoaxes or explainable just means that the remaining small percentages are probably in the same category. My family and I look at pictures that are 30 years old and we can't figure who most of the people are. Always some neighbor kid or some relative we forgot about. Pictures are rarely what they appear to be. I was once shown a picture of me with small farm animals. I was able to show it was only a matter of lighting and reflections. My one friend argues that there are no pictures of him having sex but that does not mean he has not had boat loads. In his case I think it does. There is a website that professionals use to turn in atmospheric photographs and every month, they have a picture of something that has never been captured before, but always explainable. They are bizarre and amazing but they are all from this bizarre and amazing planet. You would think that after a 100 year of photographs, there would be at least one really good one of a spaceship. Politicians are surely hiding their sexual behavior just as much as the aliens are hiding their spaceships but we seem to get weekly graphic updates of the politicians. There is never a blurry dot in a photograph that someone points to and says “That’s Bill Clinton”

There is an old saying. There is definitely life elsewhere in the universe. The proof of this is that it has chosen not to come here. Hold on everyone, we are going to be alone for a long long time.

david flannery

Thursday, June 24, 2010

No One Gets Out Of Here Alive

No one goes to a health clinic in the hopes of meeting someone. You certainly don’t think about finding a new friend while you are in the STD line. You don’t stand for food stamps if you can afford to put something on your table and you don’t stand in the HIV express lane if you are behaving sexually. All right, let’s get this out of the way. Sex is cool and great, heck every thing that has ever lived has done it (or tried)… It is right up there with eating, a necessity. Should you do it only if you are married? Who knows such things? I do know that married men and women sleep around in numbers that would shock you. I know of one person who has stayed faithful for 30 years and he is the angriest man I know. That is just my experience.

I went to the clinic because I was asked to go. No, I didn’t get the dreaded phone call from the County Health Service representative saying that someone that was infected had turned in my name. That would have implied that I actually had had sex. And that would be real humor. Instead, I was actually trying to be responsible and before the next time I did engage, I would know that I was safe. Like a pitcher warming up in the 5th inning, I thought I was soon going to get in the game.

The problem was I came with the girl I was thinking of sleeping with. We were holding hands as we were waiting to be called. We had gotten there at 8 am, we were the first appointments. It is great to feel like a priority at an STD Clinic. Since anonymity is paramount and is even the law, I was given the secret code of # 1 and my new friend was # 2. We sat behind a really attractive woman, who was # 3.
My clinic date said “Wow, she has really pretty hair.” I was not looking or trying to notice anyone, I already felt like I was at the prom with my mother…but hey, she brought it to my attention, so I added “And Legs”. What does it say to the other clients when you get elbowed in the main waiting room? It looked like we had just been handed our results and it was entirely my fault.

“Number One, can you please follow me?’ Nothing fits my ego better than this label. I was led into a poorly lit room. I sat with a counselor and he asked me about my sex life.
“That is a little personal, don’t you think?” I asked him.
“I am only here to help” He deadpanned.
“Really...Could you give me some numbers of loose women?”
He said nothing. If girls knew how we men thought, they would never speak to us. Then he said, “You know, with express, you can find out your results in 30 minutes, but you are down for the full examination, which will take 2 weeks. “
“I haven’t had sex in 16 months, what is 2 weeks?” I lied, 2 weeks would seem like the same amount of time it would take Pluto to orbit the Sun. He finished my history and apparently came to the same conclusion as the initial intake, express service was not for me. He initialed that I was to give every possible sample, including a brain sample.
“Does the brain sample hurt?’ I asked.
“Normally, but it is pretty clear you haven’t been using yours, you’ll be fine”

I was first asked to sit in the ‘we will need you to urinate section’ all by myself. This is cool since most men have trouble urinating when others are around anyway.
“Number 1 ? Is Number 1 here ? I need Number 1's blood”, A small Vietnamese woman asked. I looked to my left and right. I was still the only one in the room.
“I am Number 1, but I thought I was supposed to go #1 before the blood letting occurred?
“You do number 1 second, first we take blood” she said. I just shook my head and followed her into a morgue like hallway. It was freezing.
‘Why is it so cold in here?” I asked.
“Keeps the germs down” she said.
“I guess that’s why no on gets sick in Canada” I chuckled and continued.
“Do you use needles or leeches to get the blood?” She gave that grinned shut up look. She needed to confirm who I was before she put my blood in a vial.
"Your name?”
“I am the One”
“Yes I know, but what is your real name?”
“Bernie, its Bernie Home. But who is number One?" I asked.
“You are” she smiled. I was finally being appreciated.
She swabbed my arm with alcohol, which takes 10 minutes to kill the germs but the needle was in within seconds.

I was then asked to go a different waiting room . I was again alone until the cute #3 with the pretty hair and legs came by. She waved like a cheerleader. I waved back less enthusiastically. I then was asked to go into another room with a dark skinned older woman.
“I am going to check you for everything” she said.
“Why, do I have that look on my face?” She just pointed to a chair.
“First I will check for moles, since we live in Florida and then I will check your scrotum.” I had never heard moles and scrotum used in the same sentence. My moles checked out and she asked me to drop my pants. I felt like a crack whore as my shorts wrapped around my ankles. She said I should check my testicles at least once a month for growths. “Honey, I have not left them alone since I was 12”. I didn’t care what I said at this point, I was trying to deflect my uncomfortableness with humor. She then pulled out a Q-tip as long as an elephant’s trunk.
“What is that for?” I winced.
“I have to check for chlamydia and gonorrhea by putting this inside your urethra.”
“Urethra? Didn’t they just play in the World Cup?”, I yelped. I knew she meant my penis but I have never considered it as having an orifice and yes, I took anatomy.
“I would rather you check my prostrate!”
“That I will check next but this will take just a second"
“A minute?” I cried. "Time just stopped for me!”
This is where the phrase, I wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole comes from. This q-tip was obviously left over from the Nazi’s. This was just unbelievable.
“All guys have this done, don’t worry” she added
“No they don’t!" I yelled. "I would have heard about this, that I am sure!”
In her next minute, I nearly blacked out and I called for my mother at least 3 times. I was never going to have sex again.
"Time for prostrate" She smiled.
Then I heard the plastic glove slap on. Then I heard another one snap on. I whipped around. She was grinning with both hands covered in gloves.

" Why two gloves?" I shrilled. " Are you going spelunking?"
"You very funny!" She said. I called for my mother one last time.

I was back in a third waiting room, fairly sure I had left some part of my manhood in that small torture cell. My clinic date joined me and asked “How is it going?’
“How is it going?” I said with the look of death. “I envy pin cushions right now. I am thinking that a 2 week stay in 1940's Dachau would be a relief..and those gorgeous breasts of yours…I wouldn’t touch them with a 10 foot pole! No offense!”
I got up to pay my bill and walk away. While I was in line waiting to pull out my wallet, number 3 danced behind me with a bubbly smile.
“Hey” she said.
“Hey? “ I asked.
“Do you want my number?” she smiled.

"That's okay" I said. "I think I already know your number."

Stay Tooned... Next, Bernie goes camping with a long time friend and closet homosexual...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It’s Good To Be King

Every young boy has dreamed of being King, whether it was playing King of the Hill or running around the house with a cape and a staff. Maybe the staff didn’t turn into a snake like it did for Moses and Pharaoh but they were still magical moments.

My paternal grandmother’s maiden name is Lyons. We share this last name with the Queen of England. The Brits so love their queen, I guess they overlooked the fact that Lyons is a German name. The damn Germans ended up ruling England after all. Hitler went to all that trouble to bomb England into submission and all he had to do was breed his way in. (Not him personally, thinking about Hitler and sex is the second most revolting thing about WW 2, all the death and disfigurement coming in a solid first).

Being related to the crown has had no real practical advantages. No girl in any bar has ever believed that I was a royal, even when I threw in my famous British accent. I had even less luck when I spoke in my normal Pittsburghese. When I visited Buckingham Palace (my distant family’s summer home), my special connection did not even get me a discount on admission. Every time I touched something on the tour, I got yelled at despite my protests that I owned it. I stood in front of the famous stoic guards with their big black hats and ordered them to look at me. My best one liners didn’t even get a smirk. Apparently they did not get the memo that I was coming. I went on to research my heritage. This whole site has got to be going broke. I have spent most of my life avoiding family, why would anyone pay to find more? Anyway, I have done the math and it appears there are 48 million people ahead of me for the throne. Talk about sibling rivalry. It is one thing to knock off an older brother to get to the big seat but to wipe out entire cities and countries is a large task. I have a much better chance of being marooned on an island and starting my own Lord of the Flies tribe. That was the book we all had to read in school that prepared us for the real world. The real world where most people would rather put your head on a spit than do something nice for you.

What would I do if I was King for a day? Would I over eat, over sex or pass laws that cleared the streets while I was driven around? Maybe the latter but here are a few of the things I would definitely do. I would outlaw cell phones. Talk when you get home, you are simply not that important. The idea that we use them while we drive is almost definitive proof that evolution is false. The universe would not spend 15 billion years making something so stupid. If you want to prove the existence of God, don’t look to the fossil record or the Bible, just point to stupid people. If you are one of those select few that have to move their cell phone down to their mouth every time they talk, you will be dealt with swiftly and put in the tower of London. Your only food will be stacks of the Yellow Pages books that no one uses. In order to keep you connected during your stay, you will have a tin can with a string connecting you to another equally stupid human.

I would destroy all Televisions. No more cable. Everything is better on the radio. Everyone pays over $100 dollars a month for a glowing box. Have I mentioned what I thought about Evolution? Anything that encourages you to stay inside will have to be abolished. Don’t worry; I will keep indoor plumbing, besides, the Sears catalog is no longer printed (you are old if you get that reference)

Other things I would do. No more taxes. All of your money would come to me and I will decide what to do with it. This is much like the IRS but I will be reasonable about it. I will spend your money on grand distractions so you will not know you are getting screwed. Besides, now that you don’t have a cell phone or cable package, you will actually have money in your pocket and you will not worry about the wars I start or the villages I pillage.

I think I am looking forward to holding court. I especially can’t wait to have a court jester. If he is not funny that day, off with his head! They say humor is born from pain but lack of humor will result in more pain! ( as any laughless marriage will attest). The best part about getting rid of the court’s funny man is I can then steal all of his jokes and say they are mine. There will be no witnesses and if there were, who would argue? I am the King.